Tuesday 25 October 2011

And with a dull thud

The shiny new preview copy of the paperback version lands on my doorstop.

The weight is impressive if nothing else.

I have already spotted one/two  minor tweaks that needs to be made to the cover (the publishing logo is fractionally off centre and I am going to experiment with different colour verbiage).  Update, see result below.  I was sorry to lose the purple, but the white stands out more front to back.

I also realise now that both front and back covers work really well, the front is a boy alone, the back is two boys together, which sort of sums up the plot.  Combined I think it says a lot.  A chance frame as it happens.

Now I am really, really pleased with how the cover has come out.  It gives a clue to what lies within, which was my main aim, and I hope it stands out.  That is a tough challenge in today's crowded e-store, but I am trying

I hope there are not too many more corrections to be made but I aim to scrutinise once more before unleashing this copy  in due course.  Friends, you know what my Christmas prezzie might be this year!

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