Sunday 26 May 2024

Close (2022

I watched this on BBC4 last night and loved it but as always, I was left wondering, what if events had taken another turn? I will try not to give too much away. Close is about two 13 year old Belgian boys who have a very close friendship, but changing schools threatens this relationship as their new school mates sense their closeness might be more than meets the eye. This bit of the story is handled well (or rather how I would like it to be handled had it happened to me). Three female class mates question them about their friendship and whether in fact they are gay. The truth is out there. These films are always painful if you have been through a similar experience at a tender age. Leo (Eden Dambrine) and Remi (Gustav De Waele) are both perfectly cast. They are both sensitive boys at a crucial period when they change schools, form new friendships and start to grow up (although fortunately the casting means they are absolutely right for the 13 year olds they portray). Close went on to win the Grand Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival omn release and was nominated for the 2023 Academy Awards. Apart from the story, the depiction of the rural area where they live is startling although (spoiler alert) it was filmed in the Netherlands not Belgium. Give it a try, in the UK it is available on iplayer until August 2024.

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